Now open – our brand-new, purpose-built vocational centre!
Longdon Parkway, an extension of Longdon Park School, is a purpose-built vocational centre able to offer additional job-related pathways for up to 30 pupils with a primary diagnosis of Autism and/or difficulties with social communication, sensory processing and social, emotional and mental health needs.
The curriculum is specifically designed to support young people with their chosen pathways and in their preparation for adulthood.
Primarily, Parkway will cater for KS4 and KS5 students and will be an extension of the current Longdon Park curriculum but will also comprise a number of vocational courses promoting ease of movement into future employment or further education.
Examples of this offering may include, but are not limited to:
- NOCN Hospitality (Skills and Personal Development) Level 1/2
- NOCN Carpentry (Skills and Personal Development) Level 1/2
- NOCN Art and Design (Skills and Personal Development) Level 1 2
- Functional Skills Maths and English level 1/2
In addition, we have strong collaborative relationships with external providers and local employers so we can provide as many real life vocational and training experiences as possible.
All of the components of the curriculum at Longdon Parkway are designed with progression from Longdon Park in mind and will link clearly to the current pathways on offer at the school.
For more information please call 01283 733195 or email